Limited to 10 students per class.


Learn with seasoned teachers and working professionals..


Convenient no hassle location and parking.


Classes are creative, engaging, with structured assignment, detailed critiques and inspiration.


Private Classes Also Available

Class Schedule

Classes are designed to quickly bring students up to speed with a solid understanding of equipment and technique, then move beyond the basics to develop their own vision. Work takes place in a relaxed and inspiring, yet challenging, creative environment.


Summer Teen Classes & Camps

Our summer teen Photography workshop is a comprehensive creative photography course that engages young photographers to fully understand their camera technology and enable them to create great photographs through there individual vision.


Italian Sicilian Photography Tour / May 2019 /SOLD OUT

For photographers, artists and explorers, there’s simply no country quite like Italy. Come join us for this once in a life time experience, as we discover a more ancient part of Italy that is Sicily. We’re excited to share with you our love of this amazing culture and its people found throughout this historically important island.



I had been looking for small group or individual classes for the past two years or so. I had tried a number of other places—and spent a ton of money and didn’t learn very much.

So glad I found Creative Photography Workshops! In literally two months of classes, I’ve learned more than the past couple of years of taking other people’s classes.

Santino is wonderful; very passionate about photography and also very patient with helping you learn and build on the basics of what you need to know. I’m very grateful that I found Creative Photography Workshops—I had almost given up hope that I would find a good place to build my photography skills and improve my art.

Highly recommend checking them out; if you’re serious about taking your photography to the next level, they are great to have by your side.

– Michelle M


What a pair of Great photography teachers!!!! Santino Zafarano is an absolutely lovely person and has an incredible ability to identify what is holding someone back from their full potential photographically, makes you identify it for yourself specifically-so you are clear and then how to go about mastering that area with exercises ( that are often fun) and real life technical applications. He is Kindly, honest, direct, not a waster of your time or his. He helps you gets to the heart of what you would like to be doing or focusing on either within a class or one on one privates. I had been growing slowly as a photographer but was having a challenge in taking myself past certain technical walls both photographically and editing wise. In my four months working with him, my photography has deepened immensely in many ways. He was wise to give me opposite things to focus on. Somehow this stretched me in ways I cannot articulate. He also specializes in helping a student achieve greater dimension within their work conceptually, through the lens and with your editing. I am deeply grateful and relieved to have found Santino through his incredibly talented wife photographer Tracy Landworth. Tracy has a successful photography business capturing moments that are often once in a lifetime and require a gifted, trustworthy photographer who does not miss and delivers beautiful work often with a sense of humor. Tracy is an incredible teacher in her own right- extremely supportive, has an incredible eye, teaches you to work efficiently, with good habits quickly, she has a great ability to make photo concepts more easily understood. Her classes and private work are excellent, detailed and fun. I am convinced that if I had not had her as my first teacher I would not have understood depth of field and aperture for a very long time. Recently, I had been stuck and Tracy worked with me on several conceptual self portraits which taught me about light and led to expansion creatively. Both Tracy and Santino have students of all levels and are able to work with someone from their first class to those they have nurtured on to professional careers. I recommend them both with the highest of confidence.

-Elizabeth. B

I have taken photographs for half of my life, but had never known how to use a camera other than on auto. Tracey teaches the use of a camera by giving assignments that force the student to practice the concept. It becomes second nature to use f-stops, shutter speeds, and ISOs. Tracey brings an enthusiasm to the photography class that is contagious. She has a gift for zeroing in on all the elements that make a photo work (compostion, exposure, creativity, experimentation, etc.) and what parts take away from its success. Her criticisms are always spot on and very insightful. Her assignments are inspirational, fun, and always educational. It has been a treat over the past few years to grow in my work and creativity with her support and guidance.

– January Woods

Santino is a wonderful teacher for anyone who wants to learn how to use a camera and develop an eye for photography. I am almost finished with my second 10 week session and will definitely continue photography, as well as photography related computer classes, with both Tracey and Santino! Because of my lack of technological savvy, I was self-conscious about learning how to use my camera as well as learning how to upload, save and edit my photos. Santino made me feel completely at ease, and worked easily among the different levels of computer knowledge within the class. He combines his own photography talent with a natural ability to teach and makes you feel as though you are infinitely capable.

– Suzanne Randolph


I have truly loved and benefited from taking photography classes from Tracey. Her creativity, thoughtfulness and individual attention has taken me to new heights I never knew existed. This is true for taking photographs in areas I had never explored and as elementary as to how a camera and flash attachment actually work. Tracey’s knowledge, experience and dynamic enthusiasm has helped make me a better photographer and to continually learn more.

– Frank Damon, Attorney at Law


Dear prospective student,
In my thirty years of photography classes and tutoring, often with very noted photographers my progress was slow. I have good equipment and and a good eye – but was stalled. Tracey has the unique capacity to analyze and teach in simple terms what works and what does not. Additionally, her spirit and upbeat nature makes learning and class a pleasure. She has the capacity to grasp where you want to go photographically and get you there – or at least on your way. Her assignments are creative, challenging, useful and even fun.

– David Meltzer


I joined Tracey’s photography class two years ago with a goal of improving my compositions. I have since emerged an artist. My whole notion of what makes a terrific picture has changed. Tracey has given me an understanding of the technical aspects of my camera along with the encouragement to be experimental with my images. She knows how to push her students forward with her insightful criticism. Plus, she has a fabulous sense of humor. Class is never boring, and usually contains a huge epiphany each week. I am more confident and am now able to tap into the limitless possibilities of my imagination when shooting with my camera.

– Debbie Alexander